I shared this top on Insta, It's on sale for $26 and the perfect item to add to your summer wardrobe!
Happy Thursday Everyone!
I've decided to start a new series on my blog called "Thursday Thoughts"! In this series I will share what's been going on during my week, my weekend plans, and some other fun things! I wanted to have a way to share a little more personal & lifestyle things beyond my clothing posts.
Things I did this week:
* Tuesday was our official last day of school & I'm so excited for summer vaca! I will definitely miss all the students but I'm excited to sleep in a little and enjoy my mornings. During the school year I wake up at 6am everyday which is quite early!
* Also on Tuesday I got my hair done! I get my hair colored a few times a year by Savannah at Full Spectrum Salon. In the past year or so I've been getting balayage which is SO much better than highlights! The upkeep is minimal & it still looks good when it grows out! This time we went a little blonder with my hair for summer & I'm loving it!
* On Wednesday night Kyle & My Dad & I went to the season opener of the Lake Monsters at Centennial Field! I love baseball and have been going to this ballpark for as long as I can remember, when I was younger we had seasons tickets and would go to every game, so it was really fun to be able to go to a game last night! My favorite part was the ballpark nachos! Yum!
Things I'm doing this weekend:
* On Friday night Kyle & I are headed to the Bank of NH Pavilion to see Sam Hunt! We're super excited for a little getaway. Unfortunately it's supposed to storm during the show so lets hope the forecast changes! Not sure rain boots & a poncho are the cutest concert outfit.
* On Saturday before we head home we are going to stop at a few outlets & Target. Going to Target is such a treat for me since we don't have any in Vermont, it's one of my favorite stores!
What did you do this week? Any fun weekend plans? I'd love to hear!
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